Chapter 28

Harris had to remind himself that Jude was his alter ego tonight. He was Pallas. Not himself. Or was Pallas part of Jude, too?

“So then you consider yourself more of a craftsman?” Isabella touched Harris’s sleeve. “Who are you wearing, by the way? Your blazer is exquisite.”

But Harris didn’t answer. He was too captivated by Jude walking across the room to him. Jude seemed to be cutting through people like a white blade. Harris suddenly felt inspired to create a scent that would capture this moment.

Mineau’s mouth was hanging a little open. “Who is that?” he asked, his sharp, brown eyes zeroing in on Jude.

“Yes, I would say I’m a craftsman,” Harris said, finally answering Isabella’s question, trying to pretend he hadn’t noticed Jude’s luminous presence.