Your work is extremely unique. Thank you for allowing us to review it and we wish you all the continued success.
“Unique…” Jude tucked the phone into his pants and turned the faucet off. He stared at himself.
Stared at Pallas.
Pallas, the only creation of his that actually sold out there. Thiswas all he’d ever really succeeded at selling. He slicked his blond hair to the side, fixed the collar of his polo shirt, thew his shoulders back and opened the door. Show time.
The bedroom glowed with diffused light and atop the huge four-post bed, Lorne waited for him, lying in his loose cotton boxer shorts. “Everything okay, Dallas?”
Jude tried not to chuckle. If he laughed now, he wouldn’t stop. He’d laugh until he sobbed. “Same as last time?” he asked, coolly. Lorne liked his cold act. He paid for this. It turned him on.
“Yeah…” Lorne said, his face already flushing with excitement.
On the nightstand, near the mirror full of cocaine, Jude found the red silk glove.