Chapter 52

Jude slowly turned his eyes to the front door. “I have to.”

“It’s my love that scares you.” Harris bent to Jude’s face, brushing his lips with his mouth. “So don’t tell me you don’t want me. You want me so bad it’s got you running. You love me so much, you almost hate me.”

Those words knocked the air of Jude and all he could do was flee. They were so true. He jerked the door open and ran up the front steps to the street.

“Jude, no, please!” Behind him, Harris’s voice was thick with tears.

“Take Erebus to the top, Harris!” Jude screamed, slipping into the backseat of the cab he’d paid to wait for him—no matter how long it took. “Get me out of here,” he said, to the driver. “Hurry.”

“Where to?”

“Same place you picked me up.” Everything was quiet inside him. Jude watched the streets. Traffic lights changing. Then, in what felt like five minutes, the car was in front of his building. He watched himself pay the driver. Heard himself say a few words.