Chapter 15

“Nothing,” Bear answered in a flat tone.

“There must be other sources. What about ex-students, the campus police?” Reed snapped.

“For Christ sake, Reed, I wasn’t doing a complete background check, just enough to know the man was an upright citizen with no known criminal associations.”

Reed sat down. “Can you dig deeper?”

“Of course I can dig deeper. Money talks just as it always has. But why would I want to do that to Jim? Both Jim and Brian would be furious with me and justifiably so.” Reed watched Bear smile and heard the deep chuckle that seemed to come up from the depths of his chest. “You wouldn’t want to deal with a furious Brian, believe me. He gets madder than a wet cat with triple claws and a saber tooth. You have no idea what I had to promise away the last time I got him all riled up. My boy’s pretty easy going, but when he’s right, he’s right.”