Chapter 35

Jim sat in the chair with his head tilted to the sky, tears still coursing down his cheeks. “Why can’t I just settle for what I can get? Take what he gives me and not want more. Good Jesus, I hurt so much.” He cradled his head in his crossed arms on the table and sobbed until he thought his heart would fall out of his chest. He had never cried. Back in Union Beach and Keyport, Jim didn’t cry when the others beat on him. He didn’t cry when he was called names. He didn’t cry when he lost his first boyfriend or the second, even the third. But since Reed let him go last fall, he’d cried one of the Great Lakes at least, and it looked like he wasn’t done. Despite his love for the job, his little house, and his friendship with Brian, he was going to have to leave. He couldn’t stand being around Reed and not being his. He was so deeply lost in thought that he didn’t hear the footsteps behind him.

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