Chapter 41

“Maybe we should fix coffee, I have some pastry…” Jim said as he began to slice cake, thinner and thinner.

Brian looked at the plate. “Uh, Jim…you’re murdering that cake. Aren’t those slices a bit slim for our men?” Jim bowed his head and didn’t even raise his eyebrow.

Brian gave a one word command, “Spill.”

“You’ve been hanging out with Bear too long.” Jim tried to smile.

“Jim Menetti, what could possibly be wrong? The bad guy’s in the pokey, the good guy worships the ground you walk on, he’s going to move into your house…what more could you ask for?” Brian tapped his foot in exasperation.

“He’s going to hate me.” Jim sniffled.

“Jim, he is so fucking in love with you he can’t see straight. He wouldn’t even let the EMT people take him to the Emergency Room because he didn’t want to leave you. Does that sound like a man likely to hate you anytime soon?” Brian asked with a harrumph.

“Brian, do you know what I did out there?”