Chapter 29

“How are you doing beautiful?” Nate had asked him.

Cisco sat up in surprise and looked around thinking that the good-looking man was speaking to someone else. He didn’t consider himself to be even good-looking never mind beautiful. He moved his hand quickly from underneath the man’s fingers. He wasn’t out at school and was afraid coming out would jeopardize his chance at getting into the university’s medical school.

Although Cisco came from family money, his family were old fashioned Italians. He couldn’t come out of the closet and expect them to maintain their support for medical school and later internship and residency.

He wondered what this guy was selling.

“I’m Nate Rice, a Professor of History. I’ve noticed you studying here. My gaydar usually works pretty well. Am I right?”

Cisco blushed. Since this guy seemed to know and he’s gay too, maybe I can tell him my secret. “I’m not out. I’m headed to medical school and I don’t want to jeopardize my chances of getting in here.”