Chapter 41

“Is Jim working this morning?” Greg asked Brian.

“No, he’s working late tonight for a collaring ceremony.”

“Can you guys come over to talk? I’d go there but I’ve got to do the sheets and I have an appointment this afternoon.” Greg paced the floor as he spoke to Brian.

“What’s wrong?” Brian asked. “What did he do to get you so wound up?”

“He’s acting pretty strange. I found him this morning staring into space. I’m always up before he is unless it’s a weekend. I do the chores before we work out, we do morning discipline and then I make breakfast after which he takes a shower. God, I wish I had a cigarette.” Greg put a toothpick in his mouth.

“You smoke?” Brian asked in shock.

“No, I quit after freshman year in college. A good friend of my mother died of lung cancer. It’s times like this I miss having something in my mouth and to do with my hands.”