Chapter 2

“What if I join the club as a paying member? Would that make a difference?” Jamie asked thinking out loud. “It would prove I can pay the freight.”

“It would, but it would also leave you unemployed and unless your legacy was very large, it won’t keep you very well in New Jersey and living off it is the surest way to lose it. You never touch the principal. You live off the interest and if there isn’t enough interest, you work. Unless you want to do something else for a living…” Brian’s voice trailed off.

“I have a degree in accounting. I can do something else for a living, but I wouldn’t be able to see Bull every day,” Jamie said cocking his head to the side.

Brian abruptly stood up and paced. “I have an idea. Wasn’t Reed complaining the club was doing so well he couldn’t keep up with the paperwork?”

“Yeah,” Jim sat up, waggled his eyebrows and drank his tea, “I’ve had to listen to him complain for over six months.”

“Stop that, just stop with the eyebrow. You know it annoys me because I can’t do it.” Brian plopped back down on the stool.

Jamie giggled. “Getting back to what you were saying about Reed…”

“Jim, why don’t we suggest to Reed that Jamie act as his assistant? If Jamie can do the books and relieve Reed of the general paperwork, Reed could manage the club more efficiently.” Brian was excited.

“You’re right. Then if Bull complains, Reed and Bear would have an excuse not to listen. You’d get paid more money and on top of that have more time to work on Bull.” Jim tapped his fingers on the counter.

“This could really work, but you still have to get Bull to like you, never mind collaring you.” Brian observed with asperity. He got up and moved around the counter to start the dishwasher.

“Both Bear and Reed are upstairs. You stay with Brian, Jamie. I’ll go up and see what I can do about a new position for you.” Jim pushed open the swinging door of the kitchen and went upstairs.

* * * *

Bear was drinking his Kona coffee and eating blueberry muffins from Greg’s recipe. Reed sat behind his desk with papers stacked all around him. “Bear, we have to get someone to handle the paperwork. I’ve got to deal with the new members and running the club, I don’t have the time to fill out the proper government forms, do payroll and taxes.”

Reed looked up to find Jim standing at the door. “Master, I think I have an answer for you.”

“…so we give Jamie the job as our accountant. He’ll still have access to Bull but won’t be able to bother him constantly. I talked to Jamie. Even though he looks like a twink, he’s not. If Bull could get over Jamie’s size and looks, they’d be a good fit.”

Bear scratched his chin. “Jim said the kid was going to quit and join as a paying member? He must have some money. Membership here is cheaper for subs but still costs a pretty penny. Does he have his own funds? Bull’s got a thing about his sub being a leech.”

“He has a legacy from his grandmother—that and working keeps him what he calls comfortable. He was willing to spend the legacy and risk unemployment to get Bull to pay attention and if we hire him as the accountant, membership would be included. May I sit, Master?”

“Go ahead, Jim. I’m interested. Bull is short with everyone since he lost his bid for Greg. It’s not like he was in love with the man, just that Greg was the type that Bull thought he wanted. Thank God that Bull knows enough to stay away from Greg now that Cisco has him. Cisco has turned out to be one jealous son of a bitch,” Bear said sipping his coffee.

“Yeah, who da thunk?” Jim remarked with sarcasm but ruined the effect by giggling.

“I figured he would be. He is proprietary about the hospital, what made you think he would be any different about someone he came to love? In fact, with a lover, it’s worse. I should know. Seeing you with that Caleb character set my teeth on edge.” Reed got up and started going through the papers.

“What do we pay him?” Reed asked Bear. “The club is doing well. I don’t want to cheap out but I don’t know the going rate.”

“I can find out from Mavis how much we currently pay junior accountants and we’ll add ten percent. Does that sound reasonable?” Bear finished his coffee and put the cup and saucer on the coffee table between the chairs.