Chapter 37

“Can’t walk and chew gum at the same time?” Bull teased, pulling Jamie closer.

“I can dance perfectly well when I’m not distracted.” Jamie did a fancy move to prove his point.

“What’s so distracting?” Bull asked with a straight face as he took Jamie back to the booth.

“You are. You have the devil in you tonight, as my grandmother used to say.”

Bull laughed and sat Jamie down at the booth with his friends. “Perhaps I do.”

* * * *

Reed got up on the stage. “Tonight we’re holding our monthly meet and greet. Those of you who are single and are looking for a sub or a Dom, tonight’s a good time to find one.” The audience laughed. “Later on, Bull Raleigh will give a demonstration of the technique used for a cane. We need a volunteer sub.”

Bull whispered in Jamie’s ear, “I’ve seen you take pain. You can do this, if you want to. I do need a volunteer.”

“Do you really want me to do this with you?” Jamie asked, incredulous.