Chapter 54

He moved back up to his bright pink, hard nubs and bit hard. Jamie’s eyes opened wide. He said, “More please…” Bull obliged, alternating between biting and laving Jamie’s nipples. He moved his mouth up to Jamie’s lips and started to kiss Jamie with great passion. He sucked his way from Jamie’s mouth back to his neck and bit his ear lobe. He followed the collarbone with his mouth, sucking up marks every inch or so down to his shoulder until Jamie was covered in his marks. He grabbed at Jamie’s cock to feel if he was truly into the lovemaking and it was as hard as a steel girder. He moved down and sniffed at Jamie’s crotch. Jamie smelled just right. Even covered with sweat from their session, Jamie smelled like home.

What was that? Why did I just say? Like home? He can’t be my home. No more twinks, remember, fuck him and forget him. Get him out of your system once and for all. But you know that you love him. You’ll mourn him when he leaves. But he will leave and you’ll be alone again.