Chapter 62

“No one wants me, no one offered me a contract that first night,” Jamie said, his face red with embarrassment.

“Things would be different at the auction. You’ve played with some of the members now, and all of the members come out for the auction. They all know you better and now you’re a paid member working as an accountant. It makes a big difference,” Brian told him.

“I can’t do that, I’m still too raw.” 22

Jim and Brian double teamed him all week. They were everywhere he was, trying to talk him into going to the auction. Eventually it got so bad, he hid in his office. The auction was Saturday night. Bear asked him to work and take charge of the receipts. Of course he said yes.

Then, at the last possible minute, just before the list of available subs was printed, Jamie changed his mind. If I don’t put myself out there, I’ll be alone for the rest of my life. If I’m pleasing someone new, I won’t have time to think about Bull.Jamie went up to Reed’s office.