Chapter 20

“I’m just glad you want me to drive you crazy.” Charlie set his knuckles on the end of the bed and crawled up its length, unable to look away from the younger man as he settled above him. “Is this better?”

“Much.” Bryce smoothed his palm up Charlie’s ribs and over his back. “It’s going to be nice, you know. Not trying to hide all the time I spend checking you out.”

“That’s supposed to be my line.” Though it pleased him to no end that someone like Bryce had noticed him at all.

“I’ve had straight friends before who got all weird because they thought I was checking them out. I didn’t want the same thing to happen with you. That didn’t stop me from looking every chance I got.”

Charlie smiled. “When you get to be my age, you’re just glad anybody’s looking at all.”

Bryce looked at him thoughtfully. “You don’t really notice it, do you?”

“Notice what?”

“Everybody looks at you, Charlie. Men. Women. Old. Young. Gay. Straight. You are the type of man everybody pays attention to.”