Chapter 38

“So you’re Danny. I can see why Gary wants to come out of the closet so that he could be with you,” Sam told Danny when he followed Danny into the kitchen to get some coffee. The coffee cake was cooling on the counter and Danny cut three pieces, one for Gary, one for Sam and one for himself.

“I have to take Widget out for a walk. We haven’t cordoned off a dog run yet,” Danny told Sam. “How do you take your coffee?”

“With a little bit of cream. Why don’t you put it in this travel mug, then I can take a walk with you and Widget? My legs need to stretch after that ride from Manhattan.” Danny wondered what Sam wanted with him. He looked at Gary for permission and Gary nodded his head in assent. The sun started to rise as they left the house.

“It looks like we’re getting a beautiful day for this circus,” Sam chuckled.

“Will it be that bad, like a circus, I mean?” Danny nervously transferred Widget’s leash from one hand to the other.