Chapter 19

“I suppose I should be grateful for that much. If you had a partner, I probably wouldn’t be lying here with you now.”

“What about you? Have you ever worked with a partner? Or do you just hire yourself out like this all the time?”

“I worked with a partner once. You remind me of her, actually. Smart, fast, strong. But for the past few years, I’ve just been picking up whatever off job I can. Or, I suppose, whatever odd job finds me.”

Her hand moved lower, but now, when she encountered a new scar, she didn’t hesitate to explore it. Sometimes it tickled, like the long, skinny mark that curved along his ribs. Others made him hold his breath, waiting for the moment when she would ask about them. Because she always asked about them.

“Have you ever considered working more steadily? Like…for an organization.”

“I can’t.”

“Why not?” He felt her smile. “You take orders from me well enough.”

“Taking orders isn’t my problem. I’d never pass a physical.”