“Please tell me you don’t have any problems with public nudity,” she said, though they were far enough off the beaten path that a person would have to be looking for them to find them.
“I don’t have any problems with your public nudity.”
She knocked his hand away with her haste to yank her top over her head, then slid her hands beneath his open shirt. Straddling his legs, she molded their torsos together, searing him with the heat of her skin.
“Don’t think you’re getting off that easy.” She bent her head and nibbled at his neck, choosing both scarred and unmarked flesh to torture with her small teeth. “I plan on seeing every inch of you before we’re through here.”
He cupped her ass with both hands, squeezing her gently as he made her fit more firmly on his lap. She moved her hips in response, grinding against his aching erection. “Why? It’s not exactly a pleasant sight.”