Chapter 20

His emotions were suddenly all over the place after six years spent trying not to feel.

“Sometimes my insides feel twisted and I can’t stop from blubbering but I’m afraid to let it out. I’m sorry I’m such a mess but I could never show how I felt inside because if you looked scared, you became prey. I’ve expressed more emotions this past week than I have in six years,” he told Greg just before Gary and Danny came to fetch him at the hospital.

“Your anger is justified and you have to let it out in a safe place before it goes sideways and you get in trouble for not being able to control it. Come see me on Mondays and Wednesdays. One of the boys will always be available to drive you.”

“That’s another thing, I have to learn how to drive and save for a car. There isn’t any public transportation that goes near the club. I checked.”

Greg laughed.