Chapter 38

“Red for stop, yellow for slow down and green for go.”

“Now step up to the cross and put your feet into the leg restraints.” Robbie stepped up and Tom snapped them closed, he followed the same procedure with his wrists. “There may be some time in the future where I would ask you to take what I give you without being held down, but for now, this is fine. You need to keep still so that I don’t inadvertently hurt you. If you move, my aim is off center.”

Toms snapped his flogger in the air a few times. “I’m going to begin. Remember you have eleven stripes coming. Don’t fight the pain, go with it.”

Tom swung the flogger and hit Robbie on his buttocks. Robbie gasped, but didn’t safeword. “One, Sir.”

The second and third swings came in quick succession. “That’s two, Sir, three, Sir.”