With a smirk hidden behind his hand, Midnight remember how eager Dru had been to step into the nest, and how pale-faced Dryden had been. I’m quite sure if Voltaire hadn’t offered to come and stand beside Dru, Dryden would never have taken the last step. Still the photographs will be excellent.
As they were preparing to leave, Midnight made sure to reward QC with some meaty titbits, before Aurora returned to her ship’s wheel, and manoeuvred the vessel ready to return home.
Looking around, Midnight frowned when he noticed the way Voltaire and Tresilian kept checking their pocket watches, and a great deal of adamant nodding and equally earnest headshaking took place between the men.
More than once Midnight caught Tresilian glancing in his direction, an expression of regret crossing his rugged features, and Midnight’s stomach knotted with an unnamed fear.