Chapter 46

“Even though I can’t resist them. They take my blood whenever they wish. But they hate me because I’m ugly. They hate anything they consider ugly.”

“But…but you aren’t ugly.” Dru shook off Midnight’s hand and closed the distance between her and the man. “You’re not.”

“I have scars and imperfections. Therefore, to the Atlanteans, I’m ugly. They see only their own race as physically perfect and thus superior to any other human. You’ll soon find out, that to them, any creature which isn’t Atlantean is inferior and so exists only to serve them. They’ve been down here so long, that they think they’re their own gods.”

“I knew they were lying when they said the ship couldn’t be repaired. She’s made of sterner stuff than that.” Midnight smacked his fist into his palm. “They just don’t want us to leave.”

“They need you like they need me. At least for now. They aren’t quite ready to unleash their weapon on the world.”