Chapter 73

Aurora ran from her post, uncaring about anything other than her brother, and dropping to her knees beside Tresilian who cradled Midnight in his arms.

“It’s a miracle,” she whispered.

“Pretty much.” Midnight coughed and Tresilian relaxed his hold enough for Aurora to hug her brother.

“What happened?” she asked, running her gaze over him, still scarcely able to believe he was there.

“Lynch tried to drag me down, but I managed to cut the chain.” Midnight tried to smile but his lips only trembled. “When I did, I fell, but landed on a ledge and knocked myself out. I woke up at an insistent prodding. It was the Leviathan. She wanted to help me as I’d helped her. It wasn’t easy balancing on her tentacle, but it was the best she could do. She was at full stretch to reach the rim of the volcano. I owe the rest to QC.”