Chapter 76

With a smile, Midnight gazed with pride at the table on which the wedding cakes were displayed. There were the traditional three cakes. One had charms attached to ribbons baked into it and after the ceremony, the closest family members would each pull a ribbon. The charm would foretell the future to bring good luck. The groom’s cake was a rich, dark fruitcake with icing. Lucy will ensure that the third cake will be cut in pieces and distributed to the guests as they departed

As he checked off everything in his mind, Midnight’s nerves gradually eased. He took a deep, cleansing breath at the sight of the vibrant garlands of foliage and flowers which hung from tree to tree to mark the aisle for the wedding procession. The festoons, brightly coloured furthest away, incrementally increased in more traditional white up to a few yards of the place chosen for the ceremony.