Chapter 47

Patton’s message came a few minutes later. I was thinking about you

DeShawn stared at the words, the wind stolen from his lungs. Of all the things Patton could have said, he’d found the exact combination that felt like a hard punch to his solar plexus.

I was thinking about you too.

Goodnight DeShawn.

DeShawn considered and deleted several responses including I love youbefore settling on a simple goodnight

“Excuse me?” DeShawn leaned over the bar. “How far is it to Kansas City?”

“About three hundred miles.”

DeShawn sighed. “Thanks.”

Orlando was about twenty-one hundred miles from Phoenix, but somehow DeShawn had never felt the distance like he felt these three hundred miles. Patton would already be in his hotel room. The urge to call him just to hear the low rumble of Patton’s voice nearly overwhelmed him, but he pushed the phone back in his pocket and turned to the dart board. Calling wouldn’t do any good now. Nothing could be undone. 11

Week 11