“Why didn’t you say anything?” I whispered.
“I was waiting for you to talk to me.”
“How did you know?”
“You looked at me like I’d hung the moon. And also like you wanted to eat me.”
I snorted. “You noticed that, huh?”
“It was really hard to miss.” The smile spreading across his face chased the tension lines away, and I wanted to touch him. To reach out and see if the stubble was as scratchy as it looked. To follow along the sharp edge of his jawline.
Instead, I fisted my hand. “Do you live here?”
“Alone?” I asked.
“Where do you live, Cory?”
“New York. Still.”
“Are you happy there?”
I shook my head. My hatred of the city had started the minute I’d set foot in it. I’d blamed it for taking me away from Asher, never really giving it a chance. The loss of my best friend had been worse than losing a limb to my teenage self and had made it hard for me to make new friends.