Afraid that he would be able to read my emotions, I lowered my gaze. Scared that if he recognized what he saw, he’d turn away and reject me.
Picking off an avocado slice from my sandwich, I mumbled, “What?”
“I’ve never seen anyone eat like that. As if you’d never had anything better in your life than that sandwich.”
I thought about what he said as I chewed the avocado and swallowed it down with a gulp of my smoothie. “I don’t know that I have,” I admitted and dared to look at him again. “Not that I can remember, anyway. I lost my appetite with the depression and had to set the alarm on my phone to remind myself to eat. Everything tasted like ash.”
He nodded and drank some of his coffee. “I’m happy your appetite is back.”
“Yeah. I wasn’t always this skinny and ugly.” I wrinkled my nose and gestured up and down my body.