Chapter 28

“Eating healthy is important. Especially when you’re sick.”

“So why didn’t you take your own advice,” he muttered and gestured at my skinny frame.

I slammed Mr. Cross’ plate in front of him. “Because I didn’t have anyone to cook for me. You do.”

“I do?”


Asher’s eyes flitted between the two of us, as if watching the baton of a conductor leading an orchestra.

“Since when?” Mr. Cross asked around a mouthful of lasagna.

“Since today. And don’t talk with your mouth full,” I retorted and gave Asher his plate.

“Sorry, dear,” Mr. Cross quipped before shoveling another forkful of food in his mouth.

“Are you sassing me, Mr. Cross?” I glared at him with arms folded over my chest.

Like a good boy, he finished chewing before answering. “Yes, dear.” And then he burst out laughing.

Asher’s eyes were on the verge of bugging out his head as he looked at his guffawing father. “Care to fill me in what’s going on here?”