Chapter 30

Mr. Cross looked at his son like he hadn’t seen Asher in years. And maybe he hadn’t. Maybe he didn’t see the same Asher I did, a man with the biggest sense of loyalty and capacity for love I’d ever encountered. Maybe they’d been too distant to begin with, and hostility had been the easy way out.

“I suppose so.”

“Yes or no, Pops.”

Mr. Cross leaned forward and laid a trembling hand on his son’s knee. “Yes.”

They stared each other in the eyes for several moments.

“Okay.” Asher nodded. “I need time to process all this, but okay.”

Mr. Cross leaned backward again. “I understand.”

“When is your next doctor’s appointment?”

“Two weeks,” Mr. Cross said.

“I’ll go with you, and we’ll speak to him together.”


I was surprised that Mr. Cross didn’t put up a fight, but if I’d read his signals right, maybe this was something he’d been waiting for.

“And I’ll call you.”


“And you will pick up and not call me names.”