Chapter 36

“They’re not sure. Your father is going to speak to the doctor.”



“Oh, give it up, Mother. I’ll buy a ticket. I’ll text you the details.” I hung up.

I checked flight times and found one that would leave for New York in three hours. If I hurried, I could make it. I bought the ticket, booked a cab to take me to the airport, and threw a few clothes and my phone charger in a bag.

Staring for a second on the laptop on the coffee table, I decided to leave it. It would be a message to Asher that I was coming back.

Taking the stairs two at the time, I came thundering into the bar. Asher and Benji looked up, and Asher reacted immediately and met me halfway.

“What’s wrong?” He pulled me into a hug.

“I have to go back to New York. The Senator is sick.”

“What’s wrong with him?”

“Mother said she didn’t know.”

He cupped my cheeks and turned my face up so I could meet his gaze. “You want me to come? I’ll come.”

My lower lip started trembling. “Kiss me,” I whispered.