Chapter 53

Sighing, I took out the box. At least he could have his favorite beverage with breakfast. I heated some water and set the table, and when I slid the final piece of toast on a plate, he entered the kitchen.

“Morning.” He was dressed in my favorite shorts—the bright blue ones that reminded me of his eyes—and nothing else. No socks. No shirt.

I swallowed my tongue. “Uh-huh, yeah.” I wanted to bang my head against the wall. Could I be less eloquent?

“I borrowed a pair of shorts,” he said, not taking his gaze off me for even a nanosecond.

“I can see that.” I could also see his naked chest. His prominent collarbones with the deep hollows that I’d loved to lick and suck, his pebbled nipples that were so sensitive even just breathing got him moaning, and—oh my God and baby Jesus—his treasure trail, starting at the belly button and disappearing into my shorts.