Chapter 56

I’d done the routine a million times and could do it without thinking. I rushed through the exercises because I needed to play. Calm filled me the second I touched the smooth keys with my fingertips.

I played my scales first. Grampa would always scold me if I cheated with them and told me a good piano player needed strong, agile fingers, and there was no other way of achieving that except for playing the scales.

Eventually, they turned into chords that turned into melodies, and I played with my eyes shut. Reliving every second of our lovemaking. His grunts and moans. The scent of his clean sweat mingled with my own. And his kisses. Wet, hot, sloppy, and knee-melting, he kissed with his entire being and made me weak all over.

I wasn’t surprised when Vee joined me. He’d wrapped himself in a sheet and sank down next to me on the floor, leaning against the stool. He rested a hesitant palm on my thigh.

I love you, Juju. I love you, I love you, I love you.