We both stilled, in awe of what we were looking at. The teasing stopped and he slid his arms around my waist, hugging me from behind, resting his chin on my shoulder. His dick poked me in the ass and mine strained against my zipper, but we didn’t move.
“It’s amazing,” I whispered.
“Yes.” I could tell he was just as mesmerized as I was, and we stared at it until someone cleared their throat next to us.
“Like what you see, gentlemen?”
A short man, maybe in his early fifties, had joined us. He was dressed in a purple velvet suit jacket, a gray shirt, and a pink cravat, and wore a knowing smile on his face. Our arousal had not escaped his notice.
“Unh,” I said.
“We do, it’s fantastic,” Vee said.
How did he have sentences right now? Not fair. I shifted. My dick was trying to punch its way through my pants and I sent pleading thoughts to it. Please calm down, we don’t want to scare the nice man. Go down and you’ll be allowed to come out and play later.