“I can drive slowly if it makes you feel less guilty.” Raymond barked a laugh, Fred didn’t as much as smile. He didn’t have a clue what he would do for the next three weeks. Time off wasn’t something he enjoyed, but it would be a relief to not have to see Raymond every day.
“It’s all right, drive as you usually do.” Fred focused on the blast wafting over his skin, the hot-car scent was slowly being replaced by fresh air as the AC worked full force.
Raymond grinned. “Look at you, all upset. I hardly thought you had it in you.” He adjusted the backrest and turned on the radio. “Nancy and I are going to the cabin. I don’t want to work late today.”
Fred nodded. Raymond never wanted to work late, weekend plans or no. One day, Fred would learn to be more authoritarian. Being in his uniform helped a lot. He was far braver on the job than he was in his personal life, but one day, he’d stand up to his colleagues.