He didn’t have time to see exactly what it was, but there were cogs and bolts, and…was it a hydraulic pump? The fabric fell down, and Fred quickly looked away so Zen wouldn’t notice him watching.
“You can…eh…use my bathroom.” Fred blew out a breath and looked at the garage as it came into view.
“Wow, you live here?” Zen stopped to gape at the house. Or it wasn’t so much the house as the garage holding his attention. Fred liked his garage too, despite not using it other than to park his car.
The former owner had been a collector. Fred couldn’t remember what kind of cars he’d been into, but the three-door garage had become too small, so he’d moved.
“This is awesome! What kind of cars do you have? Or are you into motorcycles?” Zen walked toward the building like a moth drawn to a flame. “I have a Ducati 998, so there’s some tinkering, but I love it. It’s my pride and joy, the only thing I kept when I left.”