Chapter 22

“It’s just, I fret over everything. Even now, after having spent this many hours with you, I’m turning the words I’ve said around in my head, convinced you’ll think I’m a total imbecile.”

“Never! I like you just the way you are, Fred.”

“But you don’t hear the constant monologue going on in my head, you have no idea how screwed up I really am.”

Zen laughed, not what Fred had expected.

“Babe, we all have monologues going on in our heads, and we’re all having less than sane ideas.”

Fred doubted anyone agonized as much over what they did or said as he did.

“Just say what pops up in your head, I won’t judge you.” Zen winked at him.

“It’s not that easy.”

“Perhaps not, but here in this car, it’s only the two of us, so no one will care what you say.”

Zen would. If Fred voiced every worry, Zen would soon grow tired of him.

He wished he had a jigsaw, he needed to put some pieces together, needed to create some kind of order.
