Chapter 33

“I didn’t mean you should have anyone on your payroll. Just keep track of all your vouchers, put them in a binder according to date, and you hire an accountant to help you with the taxes.” Fred didn’t think it was too hard, he’d have to check what was needed, but many idiots ran businesses successfully. Together they could do it. Fred didn’t mind paperwork.

The wide-eyed look Zen gave him had him wondering if he’d said something wrong.

“I’ll make mistakes, I know I will. I’ll fuck it up, I always fuck things up.”

“You will not. I will help you. Well, not in the garage obviously, but the rest is numbers, right? Numbers make sense.”

“Numbers do not make sense!” Zen’s hold on the steering wheel tightened.

Calmness settled over Fred. Zen was worried, maybe even frightened—his confident Zen. “Easy.” He patted his thigh. “We’ll solve it. You have nothing to worry about.”

The sound Zen made was closer to a whine than a laugh, but Fred guessed laughing was what he was trying to do.