Chapter 11

“You don’t think this might be Kathy playing silly buggers with her brother.”

“No, I don’t.”

Apart from the text, everything about this said that Kathy was in trouble. What sort, Jamie didn’t know, but it certainly wasn’t good.

Then he saw something across the parking lot. Signaling Daniel to follow him, Jamie drew his weapon and headed between the cars. With Daniel covering him, Jamie approached the final row. And then he could see the state of the car at the end more clearly.

This was not good. Not good at all. 3

Kathy wasn’t there. But her sweater was on a mannequin. Daniel recognized it from one of the pictures Nick had shown him. The mannequin was laid across the bonnet of the car, wearing just the sweater. And what looked to be red paint splashed around it.

But what worried him the most was the sheet of paper attached to the mannequin’s face. With the words ‘you’re next’ in capitals. Daniel didn’t need to be a genius to know it was a threat.