Chapter 17

“Sure. What?”

“How…” Nick bit his lip. “How do you cope with your relationship at work? How are you not…well…?”

“How are we not singled out and we keep it professional?” Jamie smiled. His own parents had asked that before when he first started dating Daniel. Now they simply smiled and let them get on with it. “We’re cops on-duty, and that’s it. Off-duty, we’re men in a relationship. It’s all about us then. Keeping it separate isn’t that difficult, especially when we don’t immediately work together. Nobody bothers us and nobody really cares once they do know, providing we’re a cop first and gay second.”

Nick took this in. He folded his arms and looked at the floor.

“I wish I could have the same dedication.”

“You have problems hiding it?”

“Not really. I can cope with it. But I don’t think I could manage with my partner being in my line of work or a similar dangerous job.”

“You get used to it.”