Chapter 11

So, slowly, I began to shift my position, in preparation for extricating myself from beneath the thin blanket. I was just noticing the cooling effect on my back surfaces, when my companion shifted his position. Muttering something, he reached out a large arm and, placing the flat of a big hand, fingers spread, on my chest, and pulledme back against him.

A moment later he shifted his own position, pushing forward at the hips—which brought my backside into contact with some pretty impressive evidence of the physicalaspect of interest on his part.

After a series of reactions had passed: surprise, alarm, delight, and deep inner warmth that included physical appreciation on my part, I lay there feeling—what? Confused? Sure. But also, amused! There was definitely a comical element to the situation, and it was this I attended, to help me push away any negative thoughts and concerns.