I had to blink. “No,” I said. “I get you. And—well, from one of those you do protect—thanks.”
He raised his eyebrows at this and gave a slight snort, as if both gratified at the thanks, and slightly surprised as well.
Curiously, this was one of the points where we both became somewhat more appreciative, and respectful, of the other—though for a time I certainly felt more inhibited, and expressed myself with more formality as a result.
I looked around.
“Is there anything we can—salvage?”
“Okay.” He began to lift off burnt timbers from the contents of the station or house or whatever it was. We found a lot of useless, broken bits of “civilization.”
What we took in the end were four metal plates and some cutlery, as well as some plastic sheeting. There was a rifle, but after it had lifted his spirits, they were dashed again when he could not find any ammunition.