Chapter 12

The beans tasted like dirt, but he scraped the plate clean and then asked for another helping. If this was to be his last night on earth, he wasn’t bunking down with an empty hole in his stomach. He’d at least eat until he was full. But the hole in him couldn’t be filled with food. He kept shoveling beans in his mouth and if anything the hole got worse, yawning wider and wider until he feared falling into himself.

Once Riley finished his second plate, Jesse put a few more pieces of wood on the fire and told them to get some shuteye. Easier said than done. When he closed his eyes he saw Steel. Standing over Riley’s prone and bleeding body, a smoking revolver clutched in each hand. It might have been a dream. It might have been the product of his stressed and exhausted brain. But it struck Riley as a premonition. When their paths crossed again, one of them wasn’t going to walk away.

Then he remembered that he’d most likely be hung before their paths crossed again.