Chapter 14

Something in Steel’s chest constricted, and he wanted to smooth the frown from his brow and kiss the hard line of his mouth. For the first time, the desire for Riley wasn’t accompanied with bitter, misplaced guilt. Riley was the brave one. Steel never realized what a coward he was until he’d watched Riley ride away. He’d regretted letting Riley leave only minutes after the other man had left his sight. He didn’t care what Riley did to him. He would consent to any punishment, follow any of Riley’s orders, suffer any indignity as long as Riley didn’t disappear from his life again. He slowed Smokey to a trot, then a walk, then finally pulled him to a stop just a foot from the mare.

“Riley. Are you hurt?”

“What do you want?”

“I want to know if you’re hurt.”

Riley’s lip quivered and his eyes darted to the guns strapped to Steel’s hips.

“You know if I wanted you dead, you would be dead by now. I hit where I aim.”