Chapter 17

The doctor’s warning ran through his head on a constant loop, and he watched Steel intently for any signs of life, but the night dragged into the next morning, and then Riley blinked and the sun was gone once again, closing out the seventh day since Steel took a bullet. What if he never woke up?

The answer to that one seemed obvious. If he didn’t wake up, Riley would find a way to continue to care for him and continue to pray for him until he did wake up. There was no other choice. No option worth considering that might take him away from Steel, even if he ended up playing nursemaid to an unconscious man for the rest of his life.

Surviving the first night might have been a “goddamned miracle” but Riley knew the truly miraculous event occurred eight days later when Steel’s eyes opened and trained on Riley, as sharp as ever.

“Why ain’t I dead?”