Chapter 10

“Everybody’s inside,” Gideon finally said. “And as far as I can tell, they’re all human.”

David frowned. “How can you know that?”

Gideon cocked a brow. “I have really good ears.”

Among other excellent attributes, Jesse thought before turning to David. “You should stay here. Try to keep out of sight. If anybody approaches the door, don’t try to stop them. Just try to warn us.”

David looked doubtfully at the alleyway. “Perhaps I should move the car around to the back. It’ll be easier for Jonah, if anything’s wrong.”

“No, stay here. That’ll take too much time, and if the unfamiliar car doesn’t spook anybody out here, the sound will alert everybody downstairs. Hopefully, we’ll just be in and out. You won’t even have the chance to miss us.”