Chapter 3

“Call it my white-knight streak,” Deke said. “Saving the fair maiden and her consort.”

Rory snorted. “Try again. I wasn’t born yesterday.”

Deke chuckled. “Okay, I’ll admit that was a bit over the top. Nonetheless, I do want to help if I can.” I need to know why those men are looking for them, and why whoever’s behind them wanted the whole family dead. He had a strong feeling he knew at least part of the answer, but until he was certain, he felt duty-bound to keep Rory and Molly safe.

“How?” Rory asked.

“Okay, for starters, I’m parked in a lot a block away.”

“Just happened to be in the neighborhood?” Rory asked disbelievingly.

“Actually, yes. I was going to the movies, the lot was the closest place I could find to park, and I was taking the shortcut through the alley when I saw you. Of course I thought you were trying to abduct Molly and I wasn’t about to let that happen.”

“I guess it did look like that,” Rory admitted.