Chapter 7

Long enough for me to see what I can find out about the Sullivans before they emigrated here. It could take some digging if they covered their tracks as well as they should have. He tapped a finger to his lips in thought and then set to work. 2

“Conall, before you hang up, I need your help,” Deke said.

“Do you now, and why should I care?”

“Because we were…friends…once. I’ve got two kids here who someone wants dead.”

“Kids like us?” Conall asked.

“Yeah, but they don’t know it. Their folks were murdered, they’re on the run, and I was at the right place at the right time to keep a couple of goons from grabbing them.”

“Intriguing.” Deke could picture Conall pressing his fingers together—or he would have if he hadn’t been holding his phone in one hand. “Tell me more.”