Chapter 15

“Yeah, because why would he do anything if he had?” Conall asked. “He’d have figured they had a much right as any other shifter, or human, to go where they wished as long as they behaved.”

“So he follows these unknowns, they pick up on it, and Ulric decides Finlay has to be dealt with, not only for that but because of his hatred of shifters who try to pass a human only.”

“He goes after the whole family just in case Finlay said anything to his wife or the kids.”

Deke nodded. “Now all we have to do is prove our theory.”

Conall closed out of the sites, since he was at the computer, and then got up to pace the office. “Were the two men who tried to get their hands on Rory and Molly shifters?”

“Yes, but I doubt they’re from Ulric’s pack. This is damned far afield for them.”