“I doubt it,” Conall said under his breath while doing his own vanishing routine, landing in the trees at the edge of town, close to the motel. ::Have you gotten rooms?:: he asked Deke.
::Yes.:: Deke gave him the numbers. Conall strolled out of the trees, around to the entrance to the motel, and a minute later was rapping on the door to Deke’s room. When Deke let him in, Conall saw Rory and Molly were there as well.
“The gauntlet’s been thrown down. Now to see if Ulric takes it up.” Conall went on to tell them what he’d said to the shifter.
“You don’t mince words,” Deke commented when Conall had finished.
“Hopefully it will piss Ulric off enough that he’ll show up, which means you and I had better get out to the Wilson place before he does.”
“You’re not leaving us behind,” Rory said adamantly.