Chapter 2

“Tanner,” I told him. “Call me Tanner. And yes, I’m German. It’s on my mother’s side. She’s originally from Berlin.”

Why he winked at me after my comments, I will never know. But I didn’t mind. Why would I? Flirting with a realtor wasn’t against the law, or unprofessional. Did Mag find me good looking? Was he interested in more than letting me into my flat and having an IPA with me? Who knew?

None of that mattered, though. What mattered was his next question, which sort of blew me away, and changed the game between locksmith and realtor. As he fidgeted with the lock, using two L-shaped tools on its circular structure, clicking metal against metal against metal, he said, “Tanner, may I be frank, and somewhat inappropriate regarding a question I have for you?” He turned his attention back to his work.