At his uncle’s door, he knocked and turned the knob. “Are you awake?” It didn’t matter. Alfonso would want to be woken.
“Who is it?” His uncle asked.
Josh cracked the door. “Me.”
“Come in. Come in.” The old man stared at the ceiling.
Josh sat in the hard chair by the bed. “How are you?”
“Old, very old.” Eyes looked away.
“You say that every time.” Josh had heard it too often.
“And every time, I still am, and you still ask.” Alfonso’s face was blank.
“I won’t ask then, next time.” What was Josh supposed to say?
Alfonso lifted his head ever so slightly from the pillow and stared him right in the eye. “That’s very inconsiderate.”
“Okay, I’ll ask.” At least he’d gotten the old man’s attention.
Alfonso’s head dropped back on the pillow. “The truth is this: nothing works anymore, and everything hurts, except the mind, where I still fly on the trapeze.”