Chapter 5

Higgs is arrogant, he forgot or never received his lessons, and Zach wonders if he has enough pull to make Higgs pay. Even though Zach has been in the same situation, he finds that he has no mercy for people who break the unwritten rules because they imagine they have no equal and want no equal. It’s obscene that people that powerful want nothing but more of the same, especially when they use it to shit all over other people and their rights.

As things stand, though, Zach would be the one overextending if he does anything about this. He can tell his clients, of course, but, at the moment, his best course of action is to wait Higgs out. Whatever Higgs says next is going to be important because it can get him out of trouble relatively unscathed and, if he keeps his head down after this or is just lucky and it doesn’t get back at the Family through other sources, he can be home free. Or he can say something to bury him deeper.

Zach waits.